Meet Paige - The human behind the camera
I do smile. I'm not a total grump. Haha.
"We get to choose who we let in to our weird little worlds"
G'day Guys!
I am a self-taught Photographer.
My journey began at School, having studied Photography throughout and loved it. I then of course deferred from Uni (to do Photography) and never attended. *Cough* IDIOT!
Spending about 15 years since, asking myself, 'what do I want to be?' or 'what do I want to do?' and 'what can I do?' All the while, taking thousands upon thousands of photos every spare minute I had..
Located in the Pyrenees Region of South-West, Victoria, with my lover-farmer and our four little humans - Five babes, aged between seven and six months old.
I’m sure most mothers of young children today can relate in some capacity, that the ‘juggle’ (I drop the balls more often than not) of being a full-time, stay-at-home Mum, working from home (farmer; sheep & crop), starting a flower farm (Gwyngana Dahlias), throw in a little Photography, a little bit of family time and just some everyday life requires some serious elbow grease - I’m flat knacker!
My own mother often tells me to slow down, but I often just reply with ‘I’ll rest when I’m dead!’ Or ‘Nothing will get done if I don’t do it now!’ And so, the time flies by.
Sleep isn’t promised and I haven’t the time to maintain whatever this old, tired, wrinkly, grey (Gray Gray – story for another time) ass of mine needs!
Probably a good airbrush - someone teach me how to do that eh? Better yet, just send me to the pub with no kids, an unlimited tab, a 70s-80s playlist blaring in the background and a few funny buggers to yak and laugh with - God knows, I’d love to hold an uninterrupted adult conversation for longer than 30 seconds!
So here am I, (that big head up there belongs to me) with my unbrushed hair (few more greys today), my dry wrinkly, freckly face, with my squinty eyes (I now have glasses, hearing test is next on the list) - So my somewhat exposed ass (metaphorically speaking) is feeling all vulnerable but hey, this is me, this is the human behind the lens and this is raw.
Raw - This is what I’m about! Capturing all the ‘raw’ moments in life! If you’re looking for a studio shoot, with all the props and bright lights – I’m not your girl, sorry.
1). It’s not my vibe and B). I’m not equipped for that, haha.
Don't get me wrong I love to get my creative on and am forever chopping and changing my editing style, I can never decide on just one edit - I usually give my clients at least 3 different edits throughout the Gallery and am always open to any inspo or dreams you have for your photos!
So, if you're looking for an outdoor photoshoot, in the elements with some good old natural light - at your farm, at our farm - in a paddock, sitting on a hay bale, amongst some long grass or on a dirt road, your backyard or garden or maybe up the Mount or the beach OR perhaps you'd like an indoor session in your light filled home with plenty of natural light flowing through the windows - we can certainly look at that!
Look no further - I'd love to document your stories and help make them into beautiful memories for you to cherish and keep always!
For me, it's about capturing the authentic moments, you know, the unscripted, the raw ones - The little day to day moments, the ones in-between takes, the ones where you've forgotten the camera is there and you're immersed in whatever it is you're doing (no nose picking please).
You know the ones, the ones that tell a story - your story, or at least one of your stories, no text or description necessary!
If you're following along on Instagram or Facebook, I'm stoked to have you along for my Photography journey - Wherever this road may take me, who knows, I certainly don’t.
But that’s the best part, or so I’m told!
Ripper job if you made it to the end - I didn’t intend to write a novel today but there ya do go!