"Cluck. Cluck. Cluck!"

Is generally what every family hears throughout the session followed by "I'm heading home to tell Harry I'm ready for another one!" What's one more eh!? (I already have four aged 5 and under haha).

I am very much in the thick of it still, broken sleep, non-stop nappies, tears and snot, children that have bottomless pits for stomaches and seem to get immense joy from shit-stirring one another, endless whining, tears (again) and nagging...

But, I am also surrounded by the most beautiful faces I've ever seen, I am completely drowning in slobbery kisses and lack of personal space (someone is always needing a cuddle still - most of the time its me!) ANNND I wouldn't have it any other way, I wouldn't change a thing...

BUT, if I could change one thing... It would be to have had Newborn photos taken when each of my little babes arrived earthside. Not only did I not get Maternity photos done (apart from a mirror selfie), I dropped the ball on getting Family-Newborn photos too! Don't get me wrong each of my little fellas has at least 10,000 photos from when they were fresh to 6 months old. But, zip, nada, zero photos of us as a whole family with our new addition each time.

Regrets? Yes! All of them, ALL the regrets!

I love my newborn sessions, I feel so humbled that I was asked each time to capture these days for you. These days that fly in a blink of an eye, these days that seem so long at the time, so exhausting and so emotional, but also, sooo beautiful, beautiful chaos and ever so precious! - BUT man, do I get so, so sad that I never got anyone in to document our days for my family - with me in them!

So the time flies by, I blinked and I now have four children aged between 6 to 1 year old and we still haven't had our family photos taken!

Don't make the same mistakes as me, PLEASE document those days, you'll never get them back and before you know it, you've sent your oldest off to School, another off to 3 year old kinder and the nest will be half empty and they just keep on slipping through your fingers - letting another finger go as they hold my hand with each year that passes! *Wiping tears from my face as I write this*


Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography
Paige Gray Photography